The Winter King – Review

I’m reviewing C.L. Wilson’s The Winter King. I read this book a while back at the recommendation of a friend, and recently reread it.  I remembered how much I loved it so I wanted to share my review of it so maybe I can convince someone else to pick it up.

The Winter King – C.L. Wilson

Series: Weathermages of Mystral

Publication Date: 07/20/14

Publisher: Avon

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Magic

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

After three long years of war, starkly handsome Wynter Atrialan will have his vengeance on Summerlea’s king by taking one of the man’s beautiful, beloved daughters as his bride. But though peace is finally at hand, Wynter’s battle with the Ice Heart, the dread power he embraced to avenge his brother’s death, rages on.

Khamsin Coruscate, Princess of Summerlea and summoner of Storms, has spent her life exiled to the shadows of her father’s palace. Reviled by her father, marriage to Wintercraig’s icy king was supposed to be a terrible punishment, but instead offers Kham her first taste of freedom—and her first taste of overwhelming passion.

As fierce, indomitable Wynter weathers even Khamsin’s wildest storms, surprising her with a tenderness she never expected, Kham wants more than Wynter’s passion—she yearns for his love. But the power of the Ice Heart is growing, dangerous forces are gathering, and a devastating betrayal puts Khamsin and Wynter to the ultimate test.

I can’t say enough good things about this book, y’all.  C.L. Wilson was my first foray into Fantasy Romance and I’ve loved all of her books.

Khamsin, or Kham as she’s referred to, is the unwanted, and unloved daughter of the King of Summerlea.  In a twist, she ends up wedded to their rival kingdom, Wintercraig’s king, Wynter.  It’s not a love at first sight kind of story.  Their chemistry is seen from their first interactions, but it’s not an instalove story.

I love Wynter, but Kham is an incredible character to follow.  There were times that I just wanted to sit and cry for her.  She endures a lot, but she’s strong and fierce in everything she does, but in her vulnerable moments you just want to hug her and cry for her.  Kham is such a dynamic character I find every time I read her story I love her a little more.

I absolutely adore Wynter as well.  He’s very, ahem, attractive.  He has a high code of honor which kind of makes him a butthead at times.  I just wanted to shake some sense into him, while hugging Kham but he definitely comes around and realizes. I love their relationship because it wasn’t a damsel in distress being rescued by a prince story. Kham is headstrong, fearless, and a force to be reckoned with.  She butts heads with Wyn but doesn’t compromise who she is for the sake of the love story.

Wilson does an amazing job at bringing a steamy romance together with a great storyline to produce a sexy story of two warriors finding each other.  I’m anxiously awaiting the second installment of the series which was unfortunately delayed due to illness.  I hope Ms Wilson gets better soon!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy and romance because it’s the best of both worlds! It’s one of my favorite books and I’ve reread it several times, and it never gets old!

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