Things I Wish I’d Known 2 (Chapters 2 – 3)


I have to say that I don’t like teenage Claire a lot. The way she treats her mother is beyond the pale. The woman is doing her best after her husband walked out on her and Claire. Yet, Claire uses every chance she has to remind her that living with her is not good since her dad left. I can understand that she is a teenager, and her attitude is typical, but I feel sorry for her mum. Also, her continuous daydreaming about Andy and even stalking him is a bit too much for me. To be honest, I have never been star-struck, so it is difficult for me to understand her attitude, especially when her dream of being with Andy shows a scorn for her own mother and the life the woman has given him.

Adult Claire is not much better. At least, she has plucked up the courage to tell Mark that she doesn’t want to buy the house he showed her in the first chapter. Claire compromises and tells him that they will put their own flats for sale, and then they could try to find a place to buy together. I have the impression that Claire doesn’t even like the idea of moving in together, so I bet she doesn’t love Mark as he deserves. Mark is disappointed, but what can he do?

Apart from that, Claire finds Frankie on Friends Reunited and sends her an email. From her profile, Claire discovers that Frankie is married, has four children, and owns her own business. Frankie replies the same day, asking her to come and visit her the following weekend, and Claire agrees to do so. I can’t wait to see how Frankie has changed. Claire thinks that her friend must be as gorgeous as when they were teenagers, and apparently, she also reckons that Frankie has fulfilled her dreams. I have the hunch that Claire will discover that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.

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