(Beverly Hills, CA) – It looked like everyone got the memo to wear black but literally a few people. The men even participated, but when it came to the women all but three were in line with the dress code.
The Blackout, Time Up movement was strong at the Golden Globes but a few people went against the grain. Meher Tetna, President of the Hollywood Foreign Press decided against black for cultural reasons. Saying, “When you have a celebration, you don’t wear black.”
But no word yet on why Blanca Blanco decided to wear a bright red dress with not only her leg out but her chest exposed as well. With everything that’s going on, it would’ve been nice to see her not only support the movement, but to go a little towards the demure side as well. Sex doesn’t have to be on display all the time.
The other fashion criminal was Barbara Meier who hasn’t revealed why she decided to shun the blackout idea as well. Beautiful dress…but again, if the men could stick with the dress code, they could too. This particular movement will require everyone with influence to be on the same page.
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