Have you ever just walked into a place and felt like you were meant to be there? Instead of the usual awkwardness it’s like feeling instantly at home. As I walked up the stairs the colours, sounds and smells lured me through the door and into the room. This is the Pilgrim Soul Studio.
Amanda Grace is a creative explorer and pilgrim soul. She’s instantly likeable, warm, welcoming and friendly. You know at school there was always one really cool girl? The one that everyone wanted to be? This is Amanda. I know she’ll probably read this and be surprised but it’s true.
Anyway the reason I was attending the Pilgrim Soul Studio was to take part in the RAW workshop. This was workshop about journalling. I really had no idea what to expect. I’ve always been a bit of a writer, mainly online, but with my recent health issues I now carry a notebook with me. Whenever I feel anxious, or a thought occurs or I just feel like writing I do. It’s like an unconcious stream of words and looking back on most of my writing I’m surprised that I actually wrote the things I did. It’s unedited and unfiltered, just me in the moment. Journalling is just like that.
To begin with we each shared our story – whatever we wanted to share. I was inspired by one of the participants to share more of mine then I had intended to, but I’m quite an open book so I’m glad I did. We took an item that resonated with us, mine was a closed box. This was how I used to live, keeping all my worries in a closed box in my head. We also took an Oracle card, mine was Surrender to your Soul’s Path. We were now all Pilgrims on Deck and we made our way in to the ‘creative’ room where our own blank journals were waiting for us.
I’ve banjaxed my wrist a bit roller skating so some of it was a bit awkward but I managed and my left hand is doing quite well compensating for my right. I’m not an artist, in fact I’m not good at art. I’d like to be but I’m not. Thankfully you don’t need to be with this workshop, it’s more about expressing yourself and creating something.
Amanda showed us some of the techniques she uses and we started our own journals. It’s really relaxing, very therapeutic and good fun. It took me back to being a child again playing with the paint and trying different things.
Part of the process was going through magazines and newspapers and finding images and words that appealed to you. It’s amazing what jumps right out at you.
The day absolutely flew and I enjoyed every minute of it. If you want to try a day with a difference this is well worth doing. Thank you Amanda and keep up the good work. You can find out more about Amanda here: http://www.amandagraceart.com/