Wake, Bake, & Reflect .01

Now Playing: “In Your Arms” – Sunbeam Sound Machine

Good morning stoners & readers. I’m starting to question whether I’m okay with being single & lonely or not. And trust me, I know this mentality is probably why I can’t catch a date for shit. I feel like perhaps I was conditioned into thinking this was necessary & vital to survival. I’m aware about all the pros but what about the cons?  For instance:

  • I’m insecure about my body on most days (not all). This person will eventually see me like that and I don’t think I’m cool with it.
  • We’ll get to that point where we share a bed. I get hot at night & I like my space. A former flame of mine once spent the night while I was in college. I had a King sized bed so I said why not? Biggest bloody mistake. First of all, he didn’t want my fan turned on because he gets stuffy in the night. Then he wanted to cuddle and I was negatively screaming inside because I was already sweating. How dare he wake me up at 3 AM to fool around. Like, the sun needed to roll back around a little faster.
  • I’ve had my heart broken by men around 9 times (they weren’t even actual relationships). I’m not walking around saying I hate men or anything. Lola’s just got a bit of trust issues.

And so…before anyone thinks I’m an idiot, mind you I’ve never been in a relationship, I have nothing to go off of. Loneliness has been my only constant friend…you know, that one friend that you secretly hate at the same time. This is a familiar feeling. Maybe I’m scared of change, scared I’m gonna mess it up. But anyhoo…

so yeah ‘Wake, Bake, & Reflect’ is gonna be a daily/weekly thing. Anyone out there yet?


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