Warsaw, Saw War

Warsaw is the capital of Poland, so we expected big things.

I guess we got what we expected, just in a different sense.

We hoped there would be an old town, which was as traditional as what we had seen in Wroclaw and Krakow, however, the old town is rather small and Warsaw is mainly made up of; communist style buildings, tall, modern sky scrapers and industrial areas. Warsaw was more or less destroyed in its entirety in World War 2 and rebuilt soon after.

Warsaw seems to be one of the only towns we visited which isn’t centred around a market square. Instead it is spread across a vast area covering lots of different architecture, spreading from the gothic period to communist block buildings; however, there doesn’t seem to be much flow. Whatever buildings could be restored were restored and anything that wasn’t restored had new building placed around it.

We flew from Krakow to Warsaw with Ryanair costing £12 each.  It was a short flight which didn’t take much time out of the day.

After we had settled in at our hotel, we tried to find a sky bar. As previously mentioned, this is generally my favourite thing to do when visiting a new city! The only Sky Bar we could find was located on the top floor of the Marriott Hotel, we thought it may be a bit pricey but its worth going to have a look. We certainly weren’t disappointed! The staff were dressed in oriental style clothing and couldn’t do enough to make us feel welcome!

We were allocated a couch seat right in the window with the most beautiful views of the City. It was only when we were sat here we realised how vast the city spanned.

We spent the next day walking around Warsaw sightseeing. I think we hit nearly 10 miles in total by the time we had finished! Here are a few attractions which stood out most to me, as well as the Sky Bar:

Chopin Benches

There are 15 musical benches that have been placed at key sites connected to his life. These benches are made of polished black stone and have a button on them, which once pressed play a 30 second Chopin tune.

Warsaw Old town

As mentioned above, Warsaw does not have a lot of the old town left, but the parts which are left are beautifully coloured. The old town also contains the Royal castle.

The Alchemist

This place is amazing food and cocktails. We ordered a cocktail which came in a small bath tub with a little rubber duck!

Klarvodka Vodka Café

Another vodka café, the polish really like this stuff and every one you try seems to taste better than the last!

In my personal opinion, I’m glad I’ve been to Warsaw but I think 1-2 days is more than enough.

The flights – £12

Accommodation – £21 per night

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