Wednesday Woes

As I’m sure your all aware today is Wednesday also known as #humpday it may not be Friday but at least it’s in sight.

Last night we managed to escape without the kids and had a trip to the cinema for ‘date night’. The film was very good and the company was fab.

This morning having dropped the kids off at school I found myself stuck behind a dustbin lorry~not an ideal situation especially when the car was running on fumes quite literally so I didn’t have the fuel, time or patience for a diversion. Thankfully I made it to work all the while watching the fuel gauge get nearer and nearer to non~existent!

This afternoon was the usual rushing around~ kids had the dentist, then a trip to Tesco was needed, followed by cooking a dinner that no one liked including me~marvellous!

Still despite being tired after a second wind I hoovered and mopped the kitchen floor before grabbing a coffee and plonking my backside on the sofa where I would quite happily stay although I fear I could easily fall asleep if I don’t get moving.

So there you have it another Wednesday done and dusted, hoping you’ve all had a good day.❤️x

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