What’s that in the sky?

A couple of Thursdays ago, something unusual happened in Dublin. Okay, it wasn’t totally out of the norm, but when it does happen, I try to take advantage. What in the world am I talking about?

It was warm and sunny, with little to no wind. Ireland isn’t known for such beautiful days. I’m not an expert, but I’m assuming one of the reasons why it’s known as the Emerald Isle is because of the green landscape due to the amount of rainfall and chilly temps. I’ve done zero research on this, so please don’t cite this as fact. I don’t want to be guilty of spreading fake news.

Back to the purpose of today’s post. As I was saying, the weather was so nice I decided to fold up shop early to take advantage of the beautiful day. And, I happened to finish my to-do list early. I may have checked the weather forecast the previous evening and noticed it was supposed to be sunny and warm. Each evening, I sit down and craft my list for the following day. I’m not saying I purposefully designed an easy workload to justify playing hooky. If I did, though, life is short. Live it while you can.

As it happened, I’d also downloaded a new lesfic audiobook after crafting my to-do list.

I popped out of my desk chair, grabbed my stuff (already prepped), bolted from my apartment, and hit play to start Kiss the Girl by Melissa Brayden.

I headed for one of my favorite walking spots in Dublin: Phoenix Park. I wish I had the time to walk there every day, but I don’t live near it, meaning my walk there takes a little more than thirty minutes. Roughly two hours in the park and then another thirty or so back home. Carving out more than three hours a day isn’t easy. Hence, why I try to take advantage on picture-perfect afternoons.

For over two blissful hours, I strolled through the beautiful park, listening to the novel, which I’m loving so far. One of the things I love about audiobooks is the freedom to combine two of my favorite destressing activities: walking and listening to someone narrate a book. I do this almost every day, although, my usual jaunt lasts forty-five to sixty minutes.

I can associate most audiobooks with the places where I’ve listened. I like to think that my stroll through Phoenix Park while listening to Kiss the Girl will be forever seared into my memory. And the scenery was fab. Come on, take a visual stroll with me by checking out the photos below. Of course, you’ll have to buy the book to reenact the perfect audiobook experience.

Wellington Monument Deerfield (Where the American ambassador lives.) Papal Cross (90-ft high) Deer enjoying the sun. They weren’t super friendly.

Do you listen to audiobooks? If yes, do you have a favorite setting or activity while indulging?


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