What I want to learn? -11th September 2017-


Mind Map

This is a Mind map of Media Industry. I was asked multiple questions such as ‘How do we access different Media’s’ and also ‘What crosses over with what?’ Most of the Media is digital; this tells me that most of the Media is accessed online. I was also told to list various types of media and products within media. Why- Alma made me reflect and generate ideas on the Media industry and help me make up my mind on what type of Media I want to do/use in my future life and also this allowed me to see the massive outlook on the media industry and see how it divides in to multiple types.

What I want to learn?

During College, I would like to receive more experience from the course to help me with my editing skills and camera work to help with my future working life. After College I would like to become an editor for TV programmes/ Films (such as CGI work or shorting clips and jump cutting) or even an editor for newspaper articles (adding in corrections or making the article sound more interesting). I enjoyed using Photoshop and other editing apps during my time at school, which created an outlook of what I wanted to do/learn which allowed me to choose this course-to help me get the experience I need for the future. Overall, I think that doing Level 3 Media Production (print, radio and TV) could allow me to reach for what I want to do in my life.

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