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Written In Stone (2013)

by Rosanne Parry(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
0375869719 (ISBN13: 9780375869716)
Random House Books for Young Readers
review 1: Through the experiences of Pearl -- a young girl in Quinalt, Washington in the 1920's we learn what is was like to be a Native American when whales were becoming endangered and the tribe was facing hunger. I love the part when her uncle wanted to keep the Indian Agent from knowing about the forbidden potlatch being given in their area, so he went south and directed the authorities through gossip to investigate a "problem" a totally different location.
review 2: Very quick read, but I loved this book from start to finish. Growing up in this area I have always been fascinated by Native American folk lore and history. This book was very well written and in a way that was respectful to the tribes, including common knowledge and shying away from details that are no
... moret meant for the public. Great story that really gives you the insight on how life was along the Olympic Peninsula in the 1920's. less
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Tryed to read. But its boring. Stopped about page 100 or so
Sometimes engrossing, but maybe too many plotlines.
interesting book - better books on yarp list
Pacific Northwest tribes
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