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The Warlock (2011)

by Michael Scott(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 2
0385735332 (ISBN13: 9780385735339)
Delacorte Press
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
review 1: This is the continuation of the Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. Sophie and Josh are still learning new powers and preventing the destruction of there world and many other shadow realms. "The Alchemst had discovered that the seats revolved and had been amusing himself by swinging back and forth.His chair squeaked with each turn."this quote is not important to the story line however, it shows how some times the author will diffuse the tension with little jokes that make even the most scariest of immortals seam human. Confused, Sophie and josh are mad and upset but they don't know who to be upset at. both sides has it's pros and cons that nether of them can pick one side to be on. As ancient evils are rising for battle the hardest this Sophie and Josh are conc... moreerned about is them being separated on opinions.I highly recommend this book and the series. if you love fantasy and si-fi then Michael Scott is an awesome author for you
review 2: Wow I flew through this book! I just kept turning the pages wanting to know what was going to happen. There were so many plot twists in this story. They just caught me by surprise! I really need to get the last book in this series asap. I really really connected to the new characters in this book. I finally realized who I liked,trusted and wanted to be on the good or evil side. So yusss amazing! less
Reviews (see all)
The fight scenes in Danu Talis felt extremely drawn out. I loved Billy the Kid in this though.
This book has a total WTF?!? cliffhanger, be prepared.
I really enjoyed this series.
A great book
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