When’s My Birthday? By Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Christian Robinson

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Children’s lit

Medium: Hardcover

Synopsis: This little narrator’s birthday is coming up soon, and she’s so excited that she’s going to list everything that would make her birthday the absolute best.

Review:  I can’t lie…this book got me hyped for my birthday, which isn’t even for another 8 months.  The protagonist is so excited for her birthday that she keeps asking how soon it will be, which in turn made me feel like my birthday should be right around the corner as well…right?  I guess the moral of this paragraph is to definitely read this book to your child when it’s actually super close to their birthday.

BUT, for the rest of the book…I loved it.  I loved the imagination, the way it included such fun illustrations and counting and the unbridled excitement you feel as a child…It was just so great.  I definitely recommend this book as a pre-birthday gift for your kid.

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