Life is full of expectations, isn’t it? It’s human nature – giving all we can of ourselves in the hope that we get something in return. At work, it’s recognition and respect for the efforts we put in. In love, it’s to be loved right back, a heart for a heart, selflessness for giving. In friendship, it’s loyalty for companionship, laughter and escape for sadness.
Anyway…I posted this on Facebook but deleted it shortly after. I wanted the chance to expand my thoughts a bit further, explain what I meant when I wrote about the kind gesture that a certain blogger had done for me. It touched me so much because I’d been quite excessive on the giving end lately. It makes me break out in hives when I’m on the receiving end. What Ellie did for me was totally unexpected. This woman hardly knows me. And yet, she put in time to read my book and review it, despite the ongoing pressures of editing her clients’ books and planning an event in October. She read my words, lived in my head and fell in love with my characters. No other blogger of her caliber had even given me the time of day.
Ellie McLove made my day, my week, my month. That review is her token of selflessness towards me and all the authors she supports. And I am extremely thankful for her kindness.
Every so often, life throws you a surprise that restores your faith in people. And in managing your expectations, you become humbled by the simplicity of intent and the grandiose effects of a good deed.
Read Love N Books’ review of In This Life Here:
And by the way, I’ll be at their annual Las Vegas book signing event. Hope to see you there!
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