Series: IF I STAY #2
Publication Date: 5/04/2011
Publisher: SPEAK
Rating: 3.5/5

Honestly, I’ve never read the first book which is called ‘If I Stay.’ I just straight up watched the film. At the start of the story, I don’t like the idea of Adam and Mia not being together, yes I understood the reason why, and after all Mia has been through a lot since the accident happened.

I like the way Forman conveys love and loss with such raw emotion in this book. I didn’t read ‘If I Stay’ and only watched the movie. I know I shouldn’t compare these two since I only read one of them but if I were to compare it, I would say that ‘If I Stay’ was more subtle, told through happy memories about her life that she’d shared with her family, it was pretty much moving, while this book wasn’t moving, but it was gut-wrenchingly sad.

It was so hard for me to read the part about Adam. Honestly, I felt his pain, his sadness, and his anger. Forman obviously has a real knack for getting inside a person’s head and making the reader understand such deep emotions and feelings. I never regret reading this book by Gayle Forman. Looking forward to read more of her upcoming works.


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