Whisper to Me, Nick Lake

Cassie is writing a letter to the boy whose heart she broke. She’s trying to explain why. Why she pushed him away. Why her father got so angry when he saw them together. Why she disappears some nights. Why she won’t let herself remember what happened that long-ago night on the boardwalk. Why she fell apart so completely.

Desperate for his forgiveness, she’s telling the whole story of the summer she nearly lost herself. She’s hoping he’ll understand as well as she now does how love—love for your family, love for that person who makes your heart beat faster, and love for yourself—can save you after all.

I am conflicted.

I’ve been sitting on this review for like, two days, because I don’t know what I feel or think about this book.

Thing is, it’s interestingly written. It’s an email, from Main Character to Love Interest (For once I’m justified in calling him LI since he doesnt have a name.) detailing her life in the run up to meeting him, then her knowing him, and a bit afterwards, explaining why she did a bunch of stuff and why she broke his heard. So it’s different to most things I’ve read before.

Even other first person books aren’t as chatty as this one, because the narrator isn’t assuming you don’t know anything, but assuming you are the person the email would be going to. This isn’t something I’m sure I liked, but it didn’t annoy me so much that I couldn’t read it, and I got used to it after a while.

I probably would have liked it more if Mainy wasn’t as… irritating as she was, but all books (and characters) have their flaws.

Ughh so I’ve just realised that I liked this book more before I started thinking about it. Oops. Bare with me.


  • My biggest issue with this was that it opened with a question. The whole book was about the question. AND THE QUESTION WAS NEVER ANSWERED. Seriously don’t set a book up and never answer what you started to write it for. Did LI forgive mainy? Who knows? Not me (though I really hope not)
  • Mainy is just…. Nope. No. No sorry. I get that a lot of what made her look like a self-absorbed bitch was The Voice demanding she not talk to people and her basically keeping it secret but the whole point of LI was that HE MADE THE VOICE GO AWAY so WHY WAS SHE SO AWFUL TO HIM. Like really really really….
  • she makes this email to LI saying how it wasn’t all her and it was The Voice but all the stupid mistakes were… just her…. being a dick.
  • Which brings to nicely to ‘I really really hope LI said fuck this and didn’t forgive her, because I’m sorry, but she was awful. She made his life hard, had a go at his father for no reason, then kissed another guy because she knew he was watching like ughhh if I were him I would have read the email and just probably gone to punch her because no reason or email in the world would excuse that kind of behavior.

    So basically…. I did enjoy reading the book, but I also didn’t like the book. Logic.


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