Back to the Monday grind. I was actually pretty excited to start a new week and a new Monday! This weekend was jam packed since I got into Pittsburgh on Friday night. I took the Greyhound into Pittsburgh for the weekend to visit my best friend and celebrate her birthday weekend! The weekend was filled with lots of bars, beer, brunches, and my Pitt babes! I even did my first cake stand… YES… You heard me correctly! For anyone who wanted a piece of birthday cake at the party on Saturday night, they had to do a cake stand! Obviously, more cake ended up on our faces than in our mouths. It was quite comical and creative!
I made sure to check some places off that I didn’t get to see last time I was in Pittsburgh, which was only a few weeks ago. We got liters of beer at Hofbrauhaus and I had a brunch date with my friend Tyler at The Yard in Shadyside! I forgot how delicious their grilled cheese sandwiches are. It isn’t easy making a choice when they offer such a large and unique selection. I definitely recommend stopping by if you are ever in Pittsburgh.
What is even better about being back in Pittsburgh is that I have my workout buddy back. Even after college athletics, Yolandi and I kept each other accountable by continuing to work out 3-4 days a week. I love my workouts with Shaun T, but having your bud by your side makes it even better. Maybe we will have to try Facetime workouts together once I am back to Norway.
Although I am excited to attack my goals this week, this Monday feels a little gloomier than others. And that isn’t just because it is raining outside! There is lots to get done this week from PhD work, to workouts, prep week for our challenge group that starts NEXT MONDAY, to visiting with friends and family. It is also my last week of vacation in the U.S. I am looking forward to being back to Oslo, but it isn’t easy being back to the states for such a long time! It is definitely not easy traveling back and forth as much as I do, but I really enjoy that I’m able to come back and visit with friends and family. I do sometimes feel that with all the traveling I do, I don’t really have a home. I do love see new destinations and be back in PA, but I miss the feeling of being a bit more settled somewhere…and being a bit more grounded.
Today started off with devoting more time to my blog. I really have been neglecting this project. It was something I put off starting for so long, and once I got going I was spending too much time obsessing over it. So the next few weeks I will be trying to find a happy medium between coaching, my work, and also my blog!
Today also started our prep week for our next challenge group! I can’t wait to start a brand new program with a bunch of motivated, kick ass women! Email me if you are interested in learning more about our challenge groups! I would love to share more information! Prep week is all about getting your nutrition under control, finding new recipes, reflecting on why you are in the challenge group, what your goals are for the challenge, and working on personal development! While we are starting prep week I am also trying to keep up with my 30-40 minute daily workouts. Today was Day 5 of Shaun T’s Shaun Week Program. Lets just say it was not an easy workout in general and a weekend of festivities did not make it any easier! This was one move of the 40 minute program. STRUGGLES!
Just remember! Although it is Monday again, don’t forget to go out there and be awesome!
Lets make Monday our favorite day of the week!