Sunshine Blogger Award

I’ve been tagged/nominated by Kat @paperbackdreamer ~ Thank you so much! Feel free to check out her blog if you’re looking for more book bloggers to follow. Now, for the questions! 1. If you could live in any fantasy world which one would it be?

I’d love to live in the Shadowhunter universe because I (stupidly) think that their existence has a purpose. They protect humans against supernatural creatures or BAD supernatural creatures. LOL. They don’t have to think of their major, career, etc. They live every moment of everyday as if it’s their last. As a result, they learn to appreciate the time they have with the people they love because of the danger of what they’re doing. If you’re not the type who’d want to get into battle, you’d either join the Silent Brothers or Iron Sisters. Personally, I’d want to create those angelic blades. If I could be of assistance to the Shadowhunters and the Shadowhunters can help humans, then that’s good enough for me!

Of course Shadowhunters tv show got it all wrong.

2. What’s your Hogwarts house?

Been sorted in Slytherin twice.

3. What’s a book you loved that everyone hated?

I like the fact that the outsiders (like me) are the main characters in this book. Their lives are kind of meh compared to what the heroes or popular kids are doing, BUT that is the beauty of it all! THAT’S THE POINT OF THIS BOOK.

4.  What’s your favourite thing about blogging?

Gushing about one of my favorite ships

and talking about my unpopular opinions. HA. But most of all, meeting people with similar interests! I don’t have many friends who like to read. I’m serious. Can’t find a book club in campus, you guys…