Far, far away, among the barren landscape of Kolyma wilderness at the most eastern part of Russia, there are still authentic traces of the camps of the Gulag era. At the heights of Dneprovsky mine one can find few rotten watchtowers standing, and on the other side of the hill the barbed wire hangs like a rusty stave with spiky notes on it. Dneprovsky was a labour camp where inmates mined led for the endless use of the Soviet Union. Tens of thousands perished in the Kolyma because of hard work and even harder climate, with cold frequently reaching –50°C. The barbed wire, now a strong symbol of political repression, was used in most of the Gulag camps to separate the zona, or zone, the area were the prisoners were allowed. They lived & worked caged like animals for five, ten, or even twenty five years, the dark lines always cutting up their horizon.
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