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The Hole In Our Gospel: What Does God Expect Of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life And Might Just Change The World (2009)

by Richard Stearns(Favorite Author)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 5
0785229183 (ISBN13: 9780785229186)
Thomas Nelson
review 1: Great book if you think there's more to Christianity than church on Sunday and decrying anyone and anything you don't agree with.Mr. Stearns voice and perspective are long overdue in America. Without being preachy, he calls everyone who considers themselves a Christian to take a closer look at what the bible has to say about poverty and injustice. Using his own personal story, he invites the reader to a different, more compassionate perspective. And he asks the question we should all be asking ourselves right now, "What will you do?"
review 2: This book did a fine job of showing me what third world poverty is really like. It also blew any my misconception that if someone just worked hard they would rise up and succeed. That sounds great and sounds American,
... moreuntil you realize millions of people spend most of their day just going to the polluted watering hole far away in order to stay alive - and have no time or physical strength to do anything else. Anyway, written from a Christian point of view by the CEO of world relief organization World Vision, it is knowledgeable and challenging, and changed my perspective. less
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Don't disagree with his message but the book is quite a pitch for World Vision.
If you read no other book this year read this one!
Loved this book.
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