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The Greatest Music Stories Never Told: 100 Tales From Music History To Astonish, Bewilder, And Stupefy (2011)

by Rick Beyer(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 4
0061626988 (ISBN13: 9780061626982)
HarperCollins Publishers
review 1: Another addition to the "Greatest ________ Stories Never Told" series. Though there were more than a few stories that I was already familiar with and a few that were a bit of a stretch in the importance in music history, it was an enjoyable book. The short stories in some cases did make me want to read more about the particular topic. It was also easy to pick-up and put-down with no loss of continuity. Also, for those who are unsure if they are interested in the subject matter, it is easy to pick and chose which entries to read and for non-history experts, this book is a great introduction.
review 2: Awesome. The stories are both enjoyable and informative and easy to read. The text and pictures are appealing to the eye and the subject matter covers musical
... more interests from classical to rock. I am a sucker for useless tidbits of information, but I honestly think that anyone who has an interest in music or popular culture would enjoy this book. And I'm excited that I got a chance to read it even before publication date! Now, is there going to be an accompanying tv series? Because that is something I would love to see! less
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A fun, breezy, quick read. Amusing stories from music's history.
Full of fun information!
Interesting enough.
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