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Bird (2008)

by Rita Murphy(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 5
0385730187 (ISBN13: 9780385730181)
Delacorte Books for Young Readers
review 1: The cover attracted me to this book. It's a lovely little story about a girl named Miranda, who is so light that she can be blown about by the wind. She lands in Wysteria Barrow's tree. The crusty old widow takes her in, gives her special weighted shoes to keep her from blowing away, puts her to work mending nets, and forbids her to leave the property. She is cared for, but not loved, and can't imagine a possible life beyond the walls of the manor. In fact, she can't remember her life before she arrived.When Wysteria falls ill and must go to the hospital, Miranda finally has a chance to meet someone else, a young boy who recognizes Miranda for who and what she really is. Will Miranda take a chance to change her life?
review 2: I did not really enjoy reading th
... moreis novel. The pacing was a bit too slow and there were many boring parts. I also didn't like how Wysteria took Miranda in to live and work for her. She doesn't give Miranda much freedom and even named her something else because then Miranda's real parents can't find her anymore. Some parts like when Farley and Miranda go uncover the secret of the manor was okay. I think the author should of made the plot more interesting by adding in some other details and getting rid of the unnecessary ones. less
Reviews (see all)
I loved it.....couldn't hardly wait to find out the secret of the Manor.
This was an odd book. I enjoyed it but it was rather abstract.
I wanted to give it 4 and 3/4 stars.
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