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The Paradise Prophecy (2011)

by Robert Gregory Browne(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 3
0525952233 (ISBN13: 9780525952237)
Dutton Adult
review 1: I was expecting something different; something more like a Dan Brown novel. I received this as a gift and seeing it described as apocalyptic supernatural thriller, I probably wouldn’t have gotten it myself. It starts out like it might be a Dan Brown book with multiple subplots of religious flavor spread over the world, then comes together into two main plots (good guys and bad guys) and then at the end the plots meld into one. I found the end of the book very unsatisfying. It is possible to skip a lot of the last few chapters describing a journey through hell and purgatory, which I thought are a bit amateurish.Since receiving a Kindle as a gift, this is the first hardbound book I’ve read in awhile. I’m used to misspellings and formatting problems in eBooks due t... moreo less than perfect scanning software and lackadaisical proofreading. I was surprised by the number of errors I found in this book. After awhile I stopped recording them. But for examples, in describing her impression of the São Paulo’s police’s reaction to her being assigned to help them, agent Callahan (one of the main protagonists) says that she could understand it since she was “hoisted” upon the police superintendent by management. Later in the book, Batty (the other main protagonist) is confronted with “two” many questions.It seemed a bit telling that unlike most other books, there were no glowing reviews of the book or the author on the dust cover or in the front of the book. I noticed that elsewhere in interviews right after the book was released, he said that this was in development for a TV series by the same people who developed “Twilight.” It seems they must have decided this wasn’t worth their time. I’m just happy I didn’t pay for this book.
review 2: Bello! Scrittura scorrevole e coinvolgente, libro divorato in poco tempo. Anche se � la 'classica' lotta tra bene o male, fino alla fine non si ha chiaro da che parte punti l'ago della bilancia. Conclusione un po troppo veloce, qualche pagina in pi� non avrebbe guastato. Apprezato molto le spiegazioni del professore, ecco, ne avrei messa qualcuna di pi�... qualche rifermento storico/culturale un po pi� approfondito. Ne consiglio la lettura, anche se all'inizio potrebbe risultare un po d'impatto leggendo alcune situazioni (morti/incontri amorosi) abbastanza ben descritte, approfondite, ma nel continuo della lettura se ne pu� capire anche il perch� di questa scelta descrittiva. less
Reviews (see all)
I enjoyed this book. Kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
An amazing page turner! Looking forward to a sequel.
Loved it. Fast paced and kept my interest.
Weak characters. Good idea.
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