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Girl Vs. Superstar (2010)

by Robin Palmer(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 2
0142415006 (ISBN13: 9780142415009)
Yours Truly, Lucy B. Parker
review 1: It was a really great book. I really like Lucy B. Parker. She always writes emails to Dr. Maude. She is going to become stepsisters with Laurel Moses, a superstar. She has a lot going on in her life. She has to move to New York, her mom is getting married to Alan Moses(Laurel's dad), her dad's girlfriend, Sarah, is expecting a baby, her best friends friend-dumped her. She went through a lot, but she pushed through it all and made it past that. It was a really good book.
review 2: I got this ARC and liked the cover, so I thought I'd read the first chapter or two. I got totally sucked in. The main character is very angsty, as you would expect, and she often misinterprets situations (which are, okay, also a wee bit contrived), as one would also expect. What sets t
... morehis apart for me is that it didn't turn out to be utterly predictable in other ways. Lucy may misinterpret things in the moment they're happening, but she is also a keen observer who is ready to revise her opinions and impressions as she cools down and sees things more clearly. I'll take more of THAT in my fiction and real life, thanks. Lucy is also a very believable mix of girly/not-girly. Promising, I say. less
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Its one of the best " childrens" book i have ever read. i really loved it
A great 1st book to the series.
I loved it!!!
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