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The Villa (2012)

by Rosanna Ley(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 5
1780875045 (ISBN13: 9781780875040)
Quercus Books
review 1: I got this book, The Villa by Rosanna Ley, as a giveaway from goodreads, and read it over a holiday. The Villa was very relaxing, even if a bit predictable. There was, of course, the romance, but it also had a flowing plot that made the book just fly through your fingers while sitting by a nice warm fireplace. It could be improved, some parts lulled a bit, and others jut seemed like fillers, but if you are not looking for a stimulating action adventure book, it is a comforting read. I recommend it to anyone just looking for a nice little getaway.
review 2: Although this looks like light, chick-lit reading, there is more depth to the story than I expected. I enjoyed the description of food peppered throughout the novel, and the sensuous descriptions of Sicily. T
... morehis is an exploration of culture as much as a love story (which is by the way predictable but still satisfying), and we are also given an insight into the workings of mother-daughter relationships. I admit that books such as these hold a particular interest for me as I, like many Londoner, dream of inheriting a sun-drenched villa somewhere, but all the same, I think this author understands how to weave a good tale. less
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So loved this book. The description was fantastic - it really took you there with it.
Good easy read. Some parts a little predictable but was still enjoyable.
A nice read with fascinating descriptions of Sicily. Good plot line too.
Good lighthearted summer read that will take you to Sicily.
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