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The November Criminals (2010)

by Sam Munson(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 3
038553227X (ISBN13: 9780385532273)
review 1: I knew nothing about this book when I bout it. When I met Sam Munson, I thought he was a very cool guy and the excerpt that he read to me seemed interesting. So, I bought the book and saw that it was about a teenager kid that gets into some trouble. As a teenage boy, i could relate to the book and was looking forward to reading it. I started to read the book and everything lived up to my expectations. Some parts of the novel were a little boring but I got through it and it the end was very interesting. I would recommend this novel to any teenager that is looking for a good story that they could relate to.
review 2: A current day Catcher in the Rye, and not in a good way. Munson could have made it less obvious by not naming a primary character Phoebe (thou
... moregh in his defense she does go by the nickname Digger) and by refraining from using the words "goddamn" and "crummy" so much. The plot meanders and near the end I kept asking "so what?" I hate to write negative reviews but I'm struggling to find the positive and/or constructive bits right now. Maybe in a few days.... less
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Cut rate Holden Caulfield - just what the world needs (not).
Just won this book..... I can't wait to read it!!!!
I couldn't finish this.
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