e’s review of “wicked sexy liar” by christina lauren

Christina Lauren’s novel Wicked Sexy Liar is the fourth book of their “Wild Seasons” series and came out on February 2, 2016

*Book was given free courtesy of authors*

Rating: 4 stars (★★★★☆)

Recommended For: OG fans of Christina Lauren’s “Beautiful” series and “Wild Seasons” series and for the bored modern woman trying to spice up her reading with some romance

I was given an autographed copy of this book by Christina Lauren recently although I already owned a copy of the eBook and had read it when it had first come out. I am writing this review now because they were kind enough to give me a igned copy of their book containing my favorite hero.

Let’s get some things clear right from the beginning: I have my ups and downs with this entire series and I really hate some of the characters in it *cough* Whorelow *cough* but since Christina Lauren has kindly given me this book today we will not have a discourse of all the reasons why Harlow is a terrible role model for women and young girls and why she is a terrible person in general. Today I shall be focusing on Wicked Sexy Liars the book itself and Luke and London. I shall try to give my honest opinion of this book without getting bowed down by bitterness too much.

Why am I giving this book four stars? Well that my friend, is because Luke and London are adorable and they are great together. If I was rating this book however based on some of the things that are happening in it… like for example if I was in London’s place and I had a love interest in Luke’s place and we living out this life in reality… I would have signed off and been like “Bye bitches I don’t want to deal with this. Talk to you never. I am going to live my best life without any of you and that is that.” Truly some parts of this story and this series on a larger part are so mind boggling and perplexing. However, I am a sucker for a swoon worthy hero and it appears I can forgive a book of many sins if there is a great enough guy.

And now let’s begin. The story starts off with London, Lola’s (the lead female character from the third book) roommate, bartending. And at the bar she meets Luke, Mia’s (the lead female character from the first book) ex-boyfriend who has been painted as the villain for the last three books and a douchey guy who left Mia when she needed him the most. Luke, who is a player at the beginning of the story, is attracted to London and wants to take her home with him so he waits for her shift to end and then he does.

The books plot is filled with a bit too much of London’s guilt over seeing and associating with Luke who is Mia’s ex which honestly shouldn’t even be a big deal or a problem because Mia is married to Ansel and trying to get pregnant and has clearly moved on in her life. In fact its a bit ridiculous how overplayed the dramatics are about Luke and Mia’s former relationship had ended when they were both 18 and they are now 23. In addition to that bit of drama, the plot also has a lot to do with growing up and being an adult after graduating from college which I thought was great.

London is unsure of how to make the most of her life and degree and is kind of unsure if her life is going anywhere which makes her an easy character to relate to for a lot of us who feel like we are stuck in a rut and can’t measure up to everybody’s expectations of us. On the other hand we have Luke who is a workaholic and who is doing great in the career section of his life but he isn’t doing too well in the relationship part of it. These two characters were honestly so great and perfect together.

In the beginning London was a bit wary and mean about his playboy ways and didn’t take him seriously and Luke was too hung over Mia, which again is weird considering he broke up with her 4-5 years ago, but together with their constant interactions and meeting ups, they are both able to gain confidence in the parts of their lives they had previously lacked it.

And of course there is that part of drama when Mia and the girls find out that London has been seeing Luke which frankly is just so very immature and petty. But things get resolved because of course they have to its a romance novel. And the story ends with Luke and London planning to move to Berkeley together which relieves me to no end that they will be far away from the toxicity of Whorelow and her friends. But not too far away because Luke and London didn’t want to ditch these terrible people and decided to remain friends with them.

The highlights of this story were truly Luke and London along with Luke’s family and well… all the parts of Luke’s life that didn’t mention his past with Mia, Whorelow, and Lola.




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