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This Is For The Mara Salvatrucha: Inside The MS-13, America's Most Violent Gang (2009)

by Samuel Logan(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 3
1401323243 (ISBN13: 9781401323240)
Hachette Books
review 1: This is the story of Brenda Paz, a teenage daughter of immigrants that gets caught up in the gang life. It is a very interesting story but frustrating. In the story we witness the unraveling of Brenda's life and the work of a lawyer and other law enforcement officials desperately try to untangle the mess she finds herself in. The most interesting takeaway for me is the consistent reason these kids join gangs like MS...feeling abandoned by family, they long to belong somewhere and the gang fills this need.
review 2: True story depicting a teenage girl's entry into the infamous Mara Salvatrusha gang, her turn to informant, and her perilous and foolhardy return to the gang's environs after she had been a "rat". Interesting subject matter, and if i was Amanda Huyg
... moreens agent i'd buy the rights and give her this part for some serious acting cred., but awkwardly written, stilted in language, almost so much that it made me think it was translated from Spanish. less
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Such an interesting topic, such bad writing. Couldn't finish it.
Decent content but it was so poorly written.
this was a very interesting book
Very Good MS13 is a scary gang
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