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Tickle Time! (A Boynton On Board Book) (2012)

by Sandra Boynton(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
0761168834 (ISBN13: 9780761168836)
Workman Publishing Company
review 1: Though I had never done the "gitchy-gitchy-goo" during real tickle time before, we merged tickle time with reading the book the first time through and it became an instant hit. Small wonder she wouldn't put it down the rest of the night and made a bee line for it again the next morning. Boynton once again puts together a series of cute rhymes to tell a story with funny characters in a sturdy little book suitable for any child. These books always seem to be fun hits with the little ones.
review 2: Tickle time is the best time when you are little! This book does a great job of capturing how silly tickle time can be. Each cardboard page adds upon the tickle rhyme that Sandra Boynton sings throughout the story. The characters are little mice/hamster animals that Bo
... moreynton uses repeatedly in her children's books. I would love to share this book with young children, most likely not as a bed time story considering a tickle session is bound to happen after reading! One of my favorite parts of the book is the page that allows for a pause in the action, "Stop.Rest. Count to four." The language is perfect as well, "gitchy-gitchy goo gotta", kids language for a kid book! "Tickle Time" is a great example of taking a simple, everyday event and turning it into a loveable picture book. less
Reviews (see all)
Classic Boynton, though not as funny as some. I loved that it was cats.
great fun! must tickle to get best response from toddler.
Great book for the kid having a bad day.
Another Boynton hit, here.
5/14/2014 baby lap sit
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