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Alaska, With Love (2012)

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: There are so many things I don't like about this book but I really don't have the patience to type it all out so I'll give you two things that bothered me quiet a bit.1. The freaking giggling. My three year old son giggles, grown men don't. I've heard grown men chuckle, snort, snicker and laugh but I've never heard them giggle and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure I want to.2. The really bad decision making. It felt like the author threw in stupid behaviour - and equally stupid reasoning behind it - just to try and add another layer to the story. It fell flat with me. One of my pet peeves is characters who make poor decisions. Is it bad that I want those bad decisions to smack those characters in the face? Probably, but in real life if I made the stupid choice to, hypoth... moreetically of course, jump in front of a bullet to save someone then there's a very strong chance I'd die or at least be so severely injured that I'd need surgery. It would not end with a long passionate kiss and words of undying love from the person I saved.I'm not saying bad choices always end bad or are in general a bad thing but I think adding those bad choices to a story for another level of drama or suspense or what-have-you is annoying as heck and makes for a very annoying read.Needless to say I won't be continuing with this series.
review 2: I was so looking forward to Josh's story because I just loved what we saw of him in the first book. I ended up disappointed. I don't mind the "oh wow I'm attracted to a guy so I must be gay" thing, and I actually do like the gay-for-you trope, but I think a small amount of angst would be more realistic. Sixth months after meeting the "love of his life" who happens to be a man, he's entertaining the idea of bottoming?! Not sure about that. He was such an alpha male: an ex-military, gun-toting sniper kind of guy and he turned into starry-eyed, love-sick sap. Bleh.And don't get me started on Mark. All he did was cry. Sixth months after being rescued from a brutal rapist and he wants to have sex? Yeah not sure about that either.I may be giving up on this series. less
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Great shifter story, but make sure you read the series in order.
3.5* rounded up
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