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Bone Jack (2014)

by Sara Crowe(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
1783440058 (ISBN13: 9781783440054)
review 1: The story seemed interesting enough at first glance. Even some 50 pages in I was mildly pleased with my selection. However I kept looking for something more out of the plot. I felt that this book could have done more with its mysterious folklore. There was nothing interesting about it. The characters kept telling and not showing. I like the dialogue driven story but this was too-much-explaining-through-dialogue kind of story. Also I felt that there an anachronism between the modern day setting of the novel and the Stag Race. It was difficult to imagine how into the whole race the young boys were. I guess in this day and age most boys would rather choose to sit and play a game on the computer with the main character running in the woods than training to be a contestant in a... moren actual race in the woods. I wish this book could've been written in a different way. It became boring in the end that I kept shaking my head in disappointment.
review 2: I'm not really the right reader for Bone Jack. I'm a bit old in the tooth for a YA novel, but despite the age gap I found this a haunting and lyrical tale which explores the darkness within and around us and the myths which inhabit our ancient landscapes. Ultimately, it is a story of the land itself, a tale of hope, endurance and survival without resolution.Bone Jack is a beautifully written and magical book centred around the teenage Ash and the traditional and ancient annual stag race he is about to run. The year, though, is the one of a foot and mouth outbreak and severe drought and the land is waiting for a sacrifice to restore its balance. The stag chase is the traditional method for providing the ultimate blood sacrifice. Could traditions be coming alive in more ways than one?The myth and mystery of the book are compelling. If occasionally I longed for a little less simplicity and a little more complexity, it is probably because I am not the ideal reader of Bone Jack. It is perfectly pitched at the younger reader in terms of pace and tone and a must read for discerning readers in that age group. Adults may have to accept that it is not written for us, but go on to enjoy the beauty, mysticism and story-telling of the book anyway. less
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Not really sure what to make of this book. Wasn't sure what the stag race was about.
A magical book and, this is high praise indeed, reads like Alan Garner.
This was amazing. So well-written and eerie. I loved the characters.
New folklore havent read before. Bone Jack and the stag race.
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