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Marlowe's Ghost (2012)

by Sarah Black(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 5
1613723458 (ISBN13: 9781613723456)
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: Pure and simple...absolutely beautiful. This is a story that I feel deep within my heart because Tommy and Will just exude love. The literary references, the humor, the adventure, the mystery all work so well together and bring such depth to the story.I fell in love with Will and Tommy each with their own scars from life and betrayals that they must heal from. Their relationship development was so seamless and right. I loved this story and am so happy to be a reader of wonderful stories like this.
review 2: It's really hard for me to get behind a book that wants to assert that Christopher Marlowe wrote Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, but I tried quite hard to read Marlowe'd Ghost with an open mind. I still couldn't get into it; the writing was uneven for
... more me, with not enough substance to support the emotions and actions of the main characters. There wasn't enough emotion, either, for my tastes, anyway. And I really did not like that Marlowe was supposedly sleeping with both main characters. It felt flip and artificial. So the book gets only three stars from me for substantive reasons, but of course my evaluation could still have been influenced by my disbelief in the main argument about Marlowe, though I tried not to let it be. I will say that I liked the writing, as a whole, much more than in the other Sarah Black book I've read, which I think was called Idaho Pride. less
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