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Vespertine (2011)

by Saundra Mitchell(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 1
1299892795 (ISBN13: 9781299892798)
Harcourt Brace and Company
The Vespertine
review 1: I'm confused about how I feel about this book. I liked the main character, the banter between characters was funny and I care to find out what happens to her in the next book. That said, the writing wasn't very good. I felt like I was trying to study a picture and I couldn't bring it into focus. When I got to the end I read that the author is a screenwriter, which makes SO much since because she never set up the scene-half the time I had to read 2-3 pages to figure out where the character was or that time had passed. The transitions were bad. Also, sometimes I felt like she had used a thesaurus and threw in big words that made even the seasoned reader need a dictionary.
review 2: This book is quietly brilliant. I loved it a whole lot. But before I tell you
... more why, a plot summary.Amelia van den Broke has been sent to her cousins the Stewarts in Baltimore for the summer season to find a suitable husband. While there, she begins to receive visions, and soon is going around telling people's fortunes. But as the visions become true, people around her begin to wonder if she is causing the dark events to happen. There is also man who also has strange powers that seem connected to Amelia.I adored The Vespertine. It is a very quiet, but extremely poetical, lyrical book. It was lovely to read. Even as terrible things began to happen, it was still soothing to read. Like listening to rain from inside a warm, dry house.As for the plot, it is quite simple, but it works. Although the pacing is odd, and I feel this is because of the way it is tied to the plot. For the greatest part of the book, not a lot happens. Things move along, but slowly. And then you get to the last few chapters and everything happens all at once. It's a little strange. But it's not quite as off-putting as you'd think, and I think that's all down to the beautiful writing.However, the best thing about The Vespertine is the characters, particularly the secondary characters like Zora and Mrs Stewart. I liked Amelia, but she wasn't that interesting...until Nathaniel showed up, and her desire and love lit her up as a character for me.Zora was wonderful and interesting, and her plot thread is heartbreaking. I'm so glad the next book is about her. I can't wait to read The Springsweet!All in all, I think everyone needs to read The Vespertine. It's a beautiful, amazing book. less
Reviews (see all)
It was ok. It took a while to get into it but then it was good. It also ended rather suddenly.
It was good. I li,e the ending. I hope there is a second book cuz i wanna read it.
A haunting tale told with lovely words.
Better than I'd anticipated.
best book ever!! :)
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