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Miau Y Las Sillitas (Miau And The Little Chairs) (2009)

by Sebastien Braun(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
8415235011 (ISBN13: 9788415235019)
review 1: When I performed this at story time I introduced Meeow's friends, asking the children what animal each was. (The friend's names are Baa, Moo, Quack, and Woof). The children enjoyed identifying the animals and naming the colors of the chairs. At the end of the story you can have the children all stand up (for a quick wiggle break) and pump their arms while marching in place, saying "choo, choo, choo, choo").
review 2: Bold colors, mediocre illustrations and simple text. It's not a horrible book for toddlers, but it's not especially good, either. It seems that the main purpose of it is to help pre-schoolers learn to identify a few colors and animal sounds. And perhaps use their imaginations to turn common items into playtime fun? But it felt a little muddled in
... more terms of what it was trying to accomplish. And at the end Meeow gets all the credit for the activity, even though all of his friends helped, too. less
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same as the other meeow books. good for storytime imagination, colors, animals, and creativity.
My son and I read this one together. It was a cute book! #bookaday
Stories & Songs: Meeow
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