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Mated To A Cajun Werewolf (2009)

by Selena Blake(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 4
Cobblestone Press
Stormy Weather
review 1: This book was about forgiveness. It was about how secrets can tear love and lives apart. I likes the story of Andre and Juliette. It is a love story through the ages. I have to admit I thought the secret was she had his baby two hundred years ago. Hmmm it was a surprise what the secret was though. Now it's just Burke left to find his mate. And the humans to somehow become immortal. Wonder how that's gonna happen. I have my guesses.
review 2: Okay, I have absolutely no excuse for this one. It was $0.99 to download to my NOOK, I had a long plane flight, thought it would keep me occupied. The romance scenes were poorly written, the plot was predictable from the first chapter, and it really didn't seem like there was much conflict or real obstacles to overcome.
... moreLesson learned: there's a reason books are priced at $0.99. Say no to cheap downloads. less
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This one just didnt hold my interest, not sure why cause I love the others
I really enjoyed the story line in this one. Couldn't put it down.
My favourite !! I love love love Andrè
Love forever
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