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The Baumgartners Plus One (2000)

by Selena Kitt(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 6
review 1: Another hot,hot,hot installment in the Baumgartner series. This one had a great story to go along with it too. I'm not embarrassed to say that I"m a bit in love with both Carrie and Doc at this point! I love the way the characters have developed (though I haven't read them in order) and it just seems like they are such warm people - the kind of friends you'd like to have for real...sex-crazed friends...but aren't they the best kind anyway?
review 2: So it begins. This is the beginning of Mrs. B and Doc. I have to say, I was skeptical of Ms. Kitt's Baumgartner books because of all the hype. I devoured this one along with the rest. Ms. Kitt does write hot scenes. The fact that she uses a simple plot adds to my enjoyment. A voyeuristic enjoyment is really wh
... moreat it comes down to, because I feel as though I'm watching a seduction.I think I'm relating to Ms. Kitt's BTB stories more only because she's using places I know in Ann Arbor Michigan. It makes it more real for me and a bit unnerving. Unnerving because I think, what if I had met Mrs. B? Ohh the delights! less
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OMG this couple is so HOT! It seriously is an addiction reading this series. I can't put it down.
Hot. Yummy. Great series. This is book three if reading in chronological order.
Just frat porn!!But quite hot!
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