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Ever After High - Die Geschichte Von Hunter Huntsman: Kostenlose Leseprobe (2014)

by Shannon Hale(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 4
Arena Verlag
review 1: This was offered for free from iBooks. It's a fun, very quick read (it probably took me ten minutes to read at the most), but it's enjoyable. It makes you want to see more from these characters, which is probably the point of them being offered for free. Intended for a pretty young audience, but still something fun for an adult to read quickly. Hunter was a fun and funny character! I loved his snarky/sarcastic thought process. I burst out laughing at some of the shirtless monologue.
review 2: Series Summary: Totally didn't like the idea and wonder why I chose these books again. Being a fan of fairytales I was looking forward to see what kind of twist but this is going to be one series that I am truly going to stay away from. The children were snobby and the peo
... moreple no matter the age were mentally damaged. I mean who has ever suffered in life would hope their children would willing suffer the same fate just to be happily ever after? So wrong in so many accounts. And the modern touch was interesting but the way the author made parodies and pans of it while also giving the story a "fairytale valley girl" touch just made want to cringe. This isn't the way fairytales are suppose to go..... And don't even mention the shoe fetish that every character seems to go through *smh*. Book Summary: I was hoping as this was from a male viewpoint that it would be somewhat better than the other five books. Instead we see that he is a vegetarian, is compassionate to a degree (he didn't track down the poor fox to remove the sliver from its paw) and like the others doesn't seem really bothered that his whole destiny is going to be as a secondary character that no one seems to stop to think about. What made me wish to destroy this story was the fact that all Huntsman (including the women) look alike with a few exceptions such as the lack of beard. And apparently since they are so miserable at being the discarded yet important characters in at least two fairytales they have these stupid Hollywood minutes: the Defense pose, the Help pose, etc. We aren't living in Hollywood guys..... less
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Un cazador vegetariano *w* lo adoro jeje y es genial que se rompa la camisa y suenen trompetas xD
This story is a great example of daring to be different, and connects to two other fairy tales.
Can't wait to find out what happens to Hunter Humtsman
I like this author touch
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