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Stepping Into Sunshine (2000)

by Sharon Hinck(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This book quietly touched me. The depiction of one woman's journey through maintaining her daily life and responsibilites while struggling with acute symptoms of PTSDI, the inadequacies and feelings of failure, the insights into common social fears and responses to "hidden disability", growing awareness of the unfailing presences that love, belief in God and commitment to his words and works. The message of this book took me by the hand and has me, too, looking inside of myself with questions that challenge me to consider taking a step up in my personal journey and struggles, in a somewhat similar manner.
review 2: I liked this book, but not for the reasons I usually enjoying reading. I usually pick up a book for the pure enjoyment of it. But this book was di
... morefferent. It was a journey for me. It helped me to look at myself in a different light. I think I related to this book because many of Penny's thoughts were similar to thoughts I've had. Although I have never experienced anything as dramatic as she did. As I watched the healing process throughout the book, something in me was healed as well. Just as a side note: The story was very simple and if I could not relate in some way, I probably would not have enjoyed it. less
Reviews (see all)
A good peek into the thoughts of someone suffering mental illness.
I might also have this in paperback.
Depressing. Slow. Did not like.
This was an awesome book!
I love this one.
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