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The Restorer's Son (2012)

by Sharon Hinck(Favorite Author)
4.35 of 5 Votes: 1
1935929577 (ISBN13: 9781935929574)
Marcher Lord Press
The Sword of Lyric
review 1: In her Sword of Lyric series, Sharon Hinck created an amazing world to be found through the portal - Lyric, Braide Wood and Hazor, and wonderful characters like Susan, Tristan, Kieran and Linette. While the original edition of The Restorer's Son was a can't-put-down experience, Hinck's expanded version takes us deeper into this world, into battles between good and evil, between hardened hearts and the One who sees all, knows all - loves all. Not even the tough and hardened, reluctant hero Kieran can stand against the persistence, and love, of the One.Following Kieran into battle, watching his struggle to accept his call and lay down his will before the One, makes us consider our own daily struggles to be more than we are. The additional discussion guide, the added surprise... mores that Hinck has included, make The Restorer's Son Expanded Edition even more impactful.This is not a book to be taken lightly - it is to be experienced. Journey with the characters, sing their songs, even eat their food. You'll be left wanting more! And you will be changed by your experience with the One.
review 2: I don't know when I wasn't able to put a book down last. I just started the last one in this series, and it's been just as wonderful as the first two so far. I was glad to get a better look at Kieran in The Restorer's Son, and I loved the description of the sword fight that is pictured on the cover of the book. Sharon Hinck is an amazing writer, and I'm so glad that I found these books!! If only there were more than three... less
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Book 2, in a series even better than book 1, love it.
I love it as much as the first book, The Restorer!
Loved it.
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