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Klejnot Medyny (2008)

by Sherry Jones(Favorite Author)
3.48 of 5 Votes: 2
8375150738 (ISBN13: 9788375150735)
Wydawn. Otwarte
review 1: Aisha una niña de unos 5 a 6 años quien es obligada a casarse con el profeta de Ala - Mahoma, ella en un principio solo lo quería como un amigo, ya que siempre jugaba con ella, pero al ir creciendo, se enamoró de él pero no soportaba compartirlo con las demás esposas.En este libro nos cuenta la vida de una de las esposas de Mahoma, en la cual dicen que tuvo gran influencia para que surgiera el Islam. En parte dicen que este libro está muy orientado a lo que en verdad paso, pero en si nadie sabe en ciencia cierta lo que paso.
review 2: “The Jewel Of Medina” by Sherry Jones: Seemed to have so much potential but fell short, in my opinion. Perhaps I was expecting too much, I was looking for the depth and richness of “The Red Tent” or “The Dovekeepe
... morers” but instead this one stayed on the surface. The characters were a bit flat, one dimensional that really didn’t develop until maybe towards the end. Aisha, the main character, was self-centered, self-absorb; and yes she was young but to have grown up in the surroundings she did and to be the way she was didn’t add up. If you are looking for a light read, rather soap-operaish that maybe touches on some of the time period’s history go for it. Again, I would have enjoyed it more, I think, if I expected less. less
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Loved the book. Aisha was some kind of woman.Looking forward to reading the next book.
I expected more historical background. If read like a fiction novel is fine.
Could not finish...
Wonderful story!
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