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In The Firelight (2013)

by Sibylla Matilde(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
Kindle Direct Publishing
review 1: An interesting premise. I didn't want to like Rhys, but you could tell when he met Shea that something was going to be different. I thought it was funny how he stoked the story for the town gossip. And I liked that he made Shea feel like someone could care for her again, since she'd basically closed herself off after her disastrous marriage. I loved how Rhys fixed things, and it was a satisfying HEA.I don't know if this is self-pubbed or if an editor reviewed it or anything. For the most part, it's clean text, but there are issues. Not significant, but enough to warrant mention.
review 2: Sibylla Matilde’s In the Firelight really made me laugh. It was an interesting love story, following the to main characters as they fell in love and grew. Rhys, a corporate
... moreman-whore who charms and sleeps his way into the deals his boss wants, and Shea, a partial recluse who has said a big no to men after her failed marriage, are thrown together by fate and circumstances and forced to deal with what they end up feeling about each other.Rhys is cocky, gorgeous, and good at his job. That doesn’t make him a good person at all. In the beginning, he seems to lack both heart and conscience. He’s intrigued by Shea, challenged to pursue her, and the need to have her soon becomes stronger than his job assignment. Her anger and irritation directed towards him fail to do anything but turn him on.Shea considers herself strong and independent. She does leave in the middle of nowhere in Montana, just her and her dog, soldiering the snowy roads and doing it all alone. After getting married out of high school and moving away with her new husband, she had had a less than successful marriage. She had then returned home to never try relationships again.Shea’s response to her interest in the dashing Rhys is to get angry with him and with the reactions all other women tend to have. So she rolls her eyes when they bat their eyelashes, she turns him down, she keeps him at bay. Yet both their efforts to keep things simple between them fail. Their banter is extremely funny, fueled by Shea’s rage and Rhys’ apparent desire to always keep her in an infuriated state.Of course, Rhys initial actions won’t just disappear and their budding relationship will soon be tested, threatening their ever after.The story seemed quite real, the characters had depth and grew as they discovered themselves. The strong image Shea had wrapped herself is described at what it is, a way to keep her heart safe. She soon admits her anger is actually directed at herself and nothing more than a defense mechanism. Also, she’s quite nice with everyone else, she loves her small town, always thinking of what’s best for the community she loves. less
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I really enjoyed this book. It is well written with a good story line and likeable characters
3.5 stars. Enjoyable read.
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