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DogTown: Tales Of Rescue, Rehabilitation, And Redemption (2009)

by Stefan Bechtel(Favorite Author)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 4
1426205627 (ISBN13: 9781426205620)
National Geographic
review 1: I've loved watching Dogtown on Netflix Instant Watch over the past six weeks, so I was excited to find out there was a book. Unfortunately, this book is essentially the TV show in book form, down to the exact quotes from Dogtown employees. It did have a little bit of unique information so we learned what happened to some of the dogs that hadn't been adopted as of their episode's air date, and essays from the Dogtown employees. If you can't get your hands on the TV show and you love animals, this would be worth the read.
review 2: Heartwarming stories of the dogs featured on the Nat Geo TV show of the same name. I teared up during the last few pages. Even so, at times, the writing gets condescending and repetitive. (Yes, readers know the evils of puppy mill
... mores. We don't need frequent reminders.) Sometimes dog training and rehab are challenging. (I share my house with 2 rescued Siberian huskies.) Many of these stories don't seem to have this peak-flatline-valley of proper training; many of the dogs instantly and magically change their lives. Perhaps this is the fault of the fast pacing. less
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Simple storytelling, quick read, a little sappy, but hopeful.
Wonderful! I so hope to visit there someday.
True - rescued dogs
4 1/2 STARS
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