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The Fake Boyfriend Experiment (2000)

by Stephanie Rowe(Favorite Author)
3.44 of 5 Votes: 3
0985179252 (ISBN13: 9780985179250)
review 1: Okay so Lily Gardner is a piano geek. It's her whole life and she literally knows little of everything else... except boys. She meets Rafe, the nephew of her piano tutor and whoosh! --- insta-love. He has a girl friend though but that doesn't stop Lily from proclaiming him as her territory. If it was me, I would never lie about having a hottie boyfriend from a rock band. It wouldn't be believable. But Lily's friends fell for it. Unfortunately, things get more complicated when Lily quits piano practice and becomes a part-time keyboardist in Rafe's band (replacing his girlfriend Paige). Rafe and Lily are into each other but Lily adds a new lie to her list by saying that she has a beau. She meets Les, a football player and a jerk. At first he doesn't like her but finds her a... morettractive when he finds out she has a "boyfriend".So basically, Rafe thinks Lily is dating Les; and Les thinks she's dating Rafe. Wow.Soon the web of lies catch up to Lily and she loses both guys. For the love of Pete! It was all because she didn't have a date to semi? Ugh. But Rafe's friend, Chris asks her to be his date. She has fun but is still hung up on Rafe to see Chris as anything but a friend.The concert the band was practicing for is a success and Rafe confesses to liking Lily too. They kiss and live happily ever after.It was sweet --- predictable, but sweet. But if it was in real life I would not like Lily. She basically stole someone's boyfriend. Usually in books great guys have girlfriends that they dump because of the new girl. For me, if you really did love your girl you would not be so quick to replace her for some girl you barely even know. But since this is fiction I'll just bask in the glory of cheesy teen romance.
review 2: I downloaded this onto my Kindle on a whim before we left on a 9 hour car trip thinking it would at least alleviate some of the boredom while my husband drove. I did not expect to groan when it was my turn to drive and I had to put it down for a few hours. When we switched off again, I grabbed my Kindle like an addict so I could finish it.A delightful story with a lovely heroine. She's flawed, she lies, she wants so much to break out of the glass walls surrounding her, she makes poor choices and suffers for them. On the way, Lily learns the importance of being true to herself and finds a renewed passion for her music and love along the way. It was such a joy watching her develop, to come into her own, and learn from those mistakes.Brilliant story, one I know I'll read again less
Reviews (see all)
A fun read. A little young in age range. It has some spectacularly embarrassing parts.
De pana que ya los libros de Stephanie Rowe comienzan a darme alergia....
Just not a book for me.
buena lectura ligera :)
Cute story
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