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The Clone Elite (2008)

by Steven L. Kent(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 1
0441016081 (ISBN13: 9780441016082)
Rogue Clone
review 1: After surviving the suicide mission to the Mogats home world, Wayson Harris has retired from the Marines. But the have not tired of him. The "Space Angels" have returned and are taking over the entire universe and every man/clone that can stand on their own two feet are drafted back into service. This includes thousands of older veteran clones some of which are barely able to take care of themselves. But they are all transferred to New Chopenhaven to await the arrival of the "Mudders" or more accurately the "Avatari".This is an impossibly battle against an enemy that cannot die. How do you win a war against an enemy you cannot kill?Wayson Harris and Ray Freeman figure it out in spectacular fashion! Great read!
review 2: I don't know what to say other than I r
... moreeally like the characters in the book. Harris, the main protagonist, is a likable guy while Freeman, his stoic mercenary friend isn't nearly as likable, but still interesting.Secondary characters and Harris' interaction with them, combined with one of the smoothest first person writing styles you'll ever read in sci-fi mil-fic, make this a really enjoyable read.There's nothing earthsaking about the plot of this book, or the metaplot of the whole series, but it's a really enjoyable read. less
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I love these books they are exciting
Pure futuristic military pulp.
Good end to the series.
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