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Ravine Volume 1 TP (2013)

by Stjepan Sejic(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 2
1607067226 (ISBN13: 9781607067221)
Image Comics & Top Cow Productions Inc.
review 1: I really enjoyed this book. The gorgeous art from Stepjepan Sejic, well in line with his work on Aphrodite IX (where I first encountered his art), makes every page a luscious visual feast. While initially rather confusing the story is still compelling. This first book serves as introduction and set-up, moving many of the pieces into place rather than paying off, I can only hope further volumes will live up to all the build-up. The world building is very deep but not particularly clear. I wish I had found the glossary (found at the back) before I had started. There are so many different ideas, people, factions, races and rules to be introduced in this volume and all with such richness (no Tolkien clonesque goblins, orcs, elves, wizards etc fantasy classic to be found here) ... morethat it is often very difficult to understand what is going on. However, the book just throws the reader into what is so obviously a fully realised world without much thought their understanding. This is somewhat frustrating as what is going on is obviously of such huge significance. Despite its issues, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to further volumes immensely.
review 2: While I love Sejic's art, and some pieces here are quite awesome, I can't bring myself to give it more than 2 stars. I wanted to but honestly, I was bored to tears by it.Some artists can write and draw and excel at both (see, oh, Adam Warren who is, I think even a greater writer than an artist. Some fail miserably. And, alas, this is the case. His Sunstone webcomic was recommended to me by a friend, and I totally enjoyed it, character development, events and all. But this... oh this is terrible.While the world build is grandiose and complex, it's all that it is. World build. There is hardly any story to be found, and I found myself reading skipping bits because of the exposition dumps. I felt no connection with either main characters, and I started to fear they might turn out to be mary-sues, no matter how funny and sympathetic they might be.Hell, I wound up being more interested by the opening story that details two minor characters (and the villain, true, but still) than the main one...This is people trying to write a la Tolkien -- little story, lots of world build. And in this case, it didn't work for me at all. less
Reviews (see all)
Very enjoyable fantasy arc. I can't wait for the next issue.
The art was amazing.
Una Belleza visual!
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