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Il Posto Di Harry Quattrozampe (2014)

by Sue Brown(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
Triskell Edizioni
Lyon Road Vets
review 1: I'm going to give this book 3 stars, mostly for cuteness. The story was a little lame and the events a total narration of gay clichés and stereotypes: cooking, dogs, unfaithful companions. Just wished the story line had been a little more original. I also had a problem with the whole "dog" thing. I felt it a little bazar to be paralleling Peter's love for his dog with his love for Evan. I love my dog, but not to the point of paralleling that with love for a partner. That just didn't really work for me, and it just kind of nagged at the back of my mind.But all-in-all it was a cute and innocuous story. Fun for a Saturday by the fire.
review 2: I love Sue Brown!!This is a wonderfully written story about a man and his dog.In the beginning Peter has to make
... morethe gut wrenching decision to give up his beloved best friend.Being through this myself I must say Ms. Brown couldn't have written this story any better.She made reference of Harry through out the whole book so that you knew the MC never forgot his beloved friend.The raw emotion from the kids to even his ex-wife was so real when you lose a pet.Ethan is the vet that comes to Peter's house to help with Harry in his hour of need and it seems that Harry chooses Ethan for Peter so how could Peter go wrong.Peter and Ethan become close friends and Peter is kind of thrown for a little loop when he finds out Ethan is gay.So when he begins to have feelings for Ethan he is very disturbed by them.Eventually he works this out with Ethan and his family.This book is written in true Sue Brown style.I wish it would've been longer but only because I hate when her books end. less
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Sweet little read yes sadness the 1st 18% but not horrible then it just got sweet
loved this
Rating 3.5
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