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Forget Me Not: The Story Of One Family's Voyage On The Titanic (2012)

by Sue Lawson(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 5
Black Dog Books
review 1: A book that you know will not have a happy ending but was a captivating story none the less. It is the Titanic story told from the point of view of a teenage girl travelling with her family to the US and a horrifying insight into the collection of errors that caused so many people to perish uneccessarily. Also a comment on the culture of the era with the men gallantly staying aboard the ship even though they knew it meant certain death in order to allow women and children to leave. Would be interesting to see what would happen should a crisis such as this occur in today's world.
review 2: A tender and beautiful introduction of a terrible tragedy for young readers. The chilling realism left me colder than the atlantic ocean yet Sue managed to weave the Gilmore f
... moreamily's account of their departure from their homeland with the fatalistic journey, with warmth and believable compassion. Yes, we all know the unfortunate conclusion, but it is still hard to comprehend and impossible to read about without shedding a tear or two. A timely release about a unforgettable period of human history. less
Reviews (see all)
i loved this book and always will. Although it was sad i liked the hint of romance.
A good book. I enjoyed it, though it could have been longer.
Romantic and I loved the characters
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