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Leafie (2000)

by Sun-mi Hwang(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: (마당을 나온 암탉 by 황선미)Only a mere 134 pages. I wanted to read it right away since the cover illustration was so darn adorable! I’m a sucker for cuteness.So, this lovely, tenacious, ahjumma Hen named Sprout finds herself in dire situations throughout the book. You can’t help being drawn to her. Throughout Sprout’s experiences, what I found most interesting was how the characteristics of Sprout is compared to the older generations of ahjummas. I have noticed there are celebrated common traits each culture and communities share. These are ideals that most strive towards or are condoned if deviated from what the community considers a “good” person. In this book, you can’t help but root for Sprout’s simple existence. After all, she is only a hen, a... moremong so many other important animals on the farm, and an aged one at that. The beauty of Sprout is revealed through her struggles and her response to the ugly disdain of those around her. Even the weasel, who torments the poor farm animals isn’t the real enemy here. How could you not love Sprout, who only wants to lay an egg and nurture her offspring?A bit Animal Farm, a bit Charlotte’s Web, a bit Korean drama feat. a sacrificial halmonie. I found myself weeping for what I think stirred my heart to a place of greater level of compassion and love. Sprout (& Straggler – another character I fell in love with) taught me simple things we all know so well: Never give up, Give until it hurts, Love requires sacrifice.
review 2: I like how Sprout the hen is so strong in her belief of not following the command of the farmers to simply lay eggs and then have them destroyed. The way Sprout was described in the first few parts of the story about her unwillingness to lay eggs anymore and braveness to leave the barn was impactful indeed. The love that Sprout the hen had for the baby ducklings she raised and called her own were so deep. It simply portrayed the love a mother has for its child, always keeping a look out and ensuring the best. I was touched by the entire flow of the story, especially towards the ending. :,( less
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This was a sweet little story but I can't help feeling that something was lost in the translation.
Remarkably moving and thought-provoking for such a small, simple book.Highly recommended.
There are 144 pages to this book, and normally 150 tissues in a box. Seems about right.
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