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Dismembered (2011)

by Susan D. Mustafa(Favorite Author)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 1
0786023619 (ISBN13: 9780786023615)
review 1: A gruesome account of one man's double life and sick crime spree. This book is not for the faint of heart, it is graphic. If it were a fiction book I would not have liked it as I would have thought the author mad, but unfortunately it is a true account of a horrific series of events. It is well written and tells an interesting story and removes judgement. the court accounts take up most of the second half of the book and can get bogged down and boring for a bit of time, but overall a very good book.
review 2: I couldn't decide between 4 and 5 stars for this book, but ultimately, I decided it is worth 5. It's well written and extremely detailed in Sean Vincent Gillis's life, crimes, and his trial. The book also tells about the lives of his victims. Anyone
... more that lives in south Louisiana will be thoroughly terrified after reading this book and realizing how many serial killers were operating in Baton Rouge at the same time. The authors also touch on details of those killers as well as other well-known crimes. All in all, this was a great read, even if reading the gruesome details of this cold-blooded monster's crimes did make my stomach turn more than once when the author described them. less
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Definitely not for the faint of heart. One of the best true crimes books that I've read recently.
I knew his mother. What a sweet lady. I'm still processing how horrible this was.
Scary as hell because it happened here.
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