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Blood Bath (2009)

by Susan D. Mustafa(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 1
0786021330 (ISBN13: 9780786021338)
review 1: This book is about a serial killer who murdered for years before getting caught. One of his many victims, a little boy, was killed and the boy's mother was arrested for his murder. Once the serial killer was caught, he described the boy's murder and the location, but the local police would not listen and would not let his poor mother out of jail. This "side story" has haunted me and I constantly think about this mother who not only lost her child, but was also jailed and looked upon as a monster. Well, I have been watching the Discovery ID channel on cable that runs all true crime shows, such as "Dateline" and "49 Hours Mystery." There is also a show hosted by Paula Zahn and last Sunday she covered the story of this mother. I taped it, but haven't had a chance to wat... morech it yet. I hope she has been released, but even if she hasn't, at least it's getting some national attention and maybe it will help her.
review 2: Schlocky and pulpy true crime smut about Derrick Todd Lee's rampage. There are a ton of artistic liberties taken and most of them made me cringe. Even so, parts of this book were incredibly moving, especially when recounting the senseless brutality of the murders and the impact it had on the victims' families. The authors also successfully describes the paralyzing fear and anger that gripped Baton Rouge from summer 2002 until Lee's apprehension on Memorial Day weekend in 2003. less
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This was an awesome book. I highly recommend it. Loved the way it was written.
One of the best true crime writers.
I own 2 of these.
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