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Primal Needs [Hardcover] (2000)

by Susan Sizemore(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 2
1607514664 (ISBN13: 9781607514664)
review 1: I liked the idea of were's and vamp's in this book. I liked the culture and how they live. But everything else about this book has me scratching my head.It was a book that was very choppy; it constantly jumped between present day and flashback scenes to the main characters we were reading about. This was very disorienting and frustrating, half of the flashbacks weren't really needed in my opinion.There were basically two plot lines running simultaneously in this book, one with Rose and Tony and the one with Sid and Joe. It would have been better if they had been two separate books or written differently. I had difficulties with the transitions between what was going on with Rose and Tony and what was going with Sid and Joe. The plot or 'mystery', I guess it could be called... more, was never actually closed in this book. Very disappointing and frustrating to read.
review 2: Two love stories... advancement of women vampire rights in the Clans... 'take over the world' group makes strides forward...Sidonie Wolf (Clan) and Joe Bleythin (werewolf/Dark Angel)... best friends, worked together for his family's private detective agency finding and rescueing people... as Clan, Sid, by law, can only lifemate with a Prime... but she loves Joe... and after an assignment, they spend 3 days of love and lovemaking... but knowing this is a death sentence for Joe, she uses her psychic ability to erase the memory & to erase his attraction for her... a year later, he finds out what she did, and leaves the agency and goes to the Dark Angels - a multi- supernatural group that is fighting the 'take over the world' group, that most supernaturals do not yet believe exist...Sid, wanting more but wanting to fulfill her duty, has a child by artificial insemination... at age 2 til ? the male vampires are taken to a creche - elsewhere to be civilized by male vampires in a more military atmosphere - and the mother's have their emotional memory of their child erased so as not to feel the pain of separation... Sid's child is now gone... so she and her brother, Laurent, and human sister-in-law , Eden, go investigate a forest fire... 8 were started, and with the Dark Angel's determine that they were sites of the 'take over the world' group, making a drug for humans & experiments on supernaturals, and the fires were to draw attention to supernaturals in a negative way while wiping out any trace of their doings... And Joe is there - having justsubmitted to the Dark Angel witch to have his memory restored... He remembers his time with Sid and is very angry with her... Tobias, Prime & head of the Dark Angels, pairs them together... under the guise of wanting her memories of a time she was held captive (and raped & tested on) by the bad guys... Their pairing is fun, as they continue to try and protect their hearts while being pulled together by friendship, concern and love... They have a passionate night... they begin to be honest with one another...And Sid's sire (father?), Tony, requests her help (thus Joe's help)... his lifemate is a human, Rose, a human movie star of the 40s & 50's... whom he met when during WWII - with it's accompanying passion... after the war, his matri ruled that he could be with her... but they never forgot one another, and he sent her dozens of roses each Dec. 16th... she has been in a home for the last 6 years.... and unbeknownst to her part of an experiment... the 'Take over the world' group selected her because she had Prime blood in the past... and they gave her injections for a year (Gregor is her nurse, and sure to show up in future books)... and then Tony came on the 16th, seeing her weak condition, he gave her his blood... she had planned an overdose for that night, as the pain of her 'treatments' (the test injections) and her weak body were enough... When Tony visits her, (in the past he came when she was sleeping), he truly loved her - her spirit, her soul, and did not see her aging body... And then Rose is gone... when Tony goes back to her the next day to claim her, every evidence & record of her is gone - no one remembers her... the 'take over the world' group has taken her, and all of her things, to a new lab, and when she awakens, she is young again... and Gregor explains that this is in trade with the human scientists who want the secret of eternal life, for drugs that allow the vampires to go out in the day, and for drugs that will lull humans to no threat... and Gregor calls Tony to get him to the facility (of course he goes)... and Rose & Tony are reunited... and their they rediscover their love and passion... the scientists don't know if her youth will continue, but believe it will with regular infusions of Tony's blood...Sid & Joe locate them; he follows the scent of the roses... they take out the rogue weres and tie up the humans, and Rose & Tony make their way to them...And then the Dark Angels are called in, but don't find too much... Sid & Joe are called by her Matri to a council... Sid believes Joe will be executed, and she will be required to watch & will die in her own grief as a warning to other vampires... all of the West Coast Matris have gathered... Sid attempts to make an argument, but then her mother and other vampiresses who want more freedom come to her defense... and Tony/Rose with Dark Angels' Tobias come... and Tobias helps the Matris' Primes to realize that the 'take over the world' group would love to find all of the Matris together, so they storm in to stop the council... and the human doctor who helps the Clan Vampires's drugs to be out in the day testifies that vamp/were mating has occured in the past, and that a very strong Clan in the north is of that inheritance... so Sid & Joe are allowed to live, and Tobias invites Sid to join Joe on the Dark Angels (his plan all along?)And Gregor delivers the test data to The Master Prime... and their consipiracy continues... hmmmm less
Reviews (see all)
Oh joe and Sid hit wicked and naughty loved this book so much didn't want it to end
I loved this one as well and found i could not put it down!!
Amazon preorder,headless woman cover
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